GENERAL RESOURCESSchool-related WebpagesLoyola School The much-awaited official website of the school. Complete list of staff members, information on the new IT Club and other extra-curricular activities, etc.. Don't forget to download and play the school song.
Loyola OBA The official website of the Old Boys' Association. Site launched in September 2002. Gives a calendar of school and OBA events.
LAFEST The website of Loyola Arts Festival -- the annual inter-school youth festival organised by Loyola students. About the school, co-curricular activities, school calendar, academics, facilities, student bodies - a fairly good overview of our school.
Semi-official Maintained as part of a Loyola College initiative, the page profiles our school from a Jesuit-perspective.
NOBLES Webpages Award winning website of the 1991 Batch. Updated regularly.
'Not an official'
Loyola webpage Maintained by Deepak M (1996), since January 1999 -- pictures (school, flag), write-up, school anthem lyrics for your nostalgic viewing. Updated 2-3 times a year. Was temporarily taken down in April 2003 but we're sure he'll be back.
'home-page' The first site on record to come up on behalf of the school/alumni. Gives a partial list of alumni in the US. Last updated: October 1997. Avoidable. In 2003, the original site disappeared and could be read only in cached version of search engines.
Alumni WebsitesWorld AlumniNet Traditional first stop for alumni contacts. New 2000 version. Send e- mail (to 210+ Loyolites), use the bulletin board. A
growing resource centre for alumni. The highlight is that it supplies details of your friends (eg: addresses). Send e-mail to 145+ Loyolites, share photos with schoolmates. Bulletin board available. 80+ Loyolites have registered here.
Clubs and CommunitiesNote: We have a separate page for Loyola alumni e-groups.
LOBA at Yahoo Clubs A virtual club set up by Zacharia George in July 1999. Chat, exchange messages, share files, photos, and more. 5 members.
Loyola Youngsters This one at Sify was started by Ashok J P in October 2001. 1 member.
BATCH-WISE GUIDEWe list only those personal webpages that yield some information about the person (maybe 1-2 lines, maybe a photo). Sites with only "under construction" text are not listed.